Commercial Solar

How Canada’s Investment Tax Credit Can Make Solar a Great Investment for Your Business

How Canada’s Investment Tax Credit Can Make Solar a Great Investment for Your Business

Small businesses and corporations across Canada are increasingly looking at renewable energy, particularly solar power, as a means not only to reduce their carbon footprint but also as a sound investment. Solar energy, in particular, has seen a tremendous drop in cost and rise in efficiency over the last few years, thanks in part to government incentives that are making it an even more attractive proposition.

One such incentive is the Investment Tax Credit (ITC) provided by the Canadian federal government to businesses that invest in renewable energies like solar power. But what exactly is the ITC, and how can it be leveraged to turn solar installations into a win for the bottom line? This post is intended for business owners and financial officers who are exploring the feasibility of solar power and want a deeper understanding of the fiscal benefits the ITC can provide. We’ll cover the basics of the ITC, walk through a detailed example of how it works, and explore the broader advantages of integrating renewable energy into your business strategy.

Understanding the Investment Tax Credit

The Investment Tax Credit is a tax incentive that allows businesses to deduct a certain percentage of the cost of qualifying investments in renewable energy from their taxes. In Canada, the ITC is part of a broader tax scheme designed to encourage the development of sustainable practices.

For businesses investing in solar energy, the ITC provides an immediate reduction in the net cost of the system, effectively reducing a company’s tax liability.

How it Works – an Example

Let’s take a scenario – a family-owned winery in Kelowna, BC, which prides itself on sustainable practices, decides to further its commitment to the environment by installing a 100kW solar system. The total installation cost is assessed at $195,000. With the ITC offering a 30% credit on the installation costs, the winery is looking at a tax credit of $58,500. Consequently, the adjusted net cost for the solar power system installation is reduced to $136,500, making it a financially viable and environmentally friendly investment.

In this scenario, the ITC reduces the initial outlay significantly, but the real benefit comes over the system’s lifetime, as it generates power that would otherwise have been purchased from the grid.

Improved Return on Investment

When considering a solar investment, determining the return is crucial, and the ITC significantly accelerates the breakeven point. A solar system earning a 10-year ITC provides a return roughly two to four years sooner than without it. This can result in tens of thousands of dollars in additional savings or profit, making the ITC a game-changer for many businesses.

For instance, using the aforementioned tax credit scenario for a system that generates 120,000 kWh per year, the savings on the power bill on the first year is around $15,960 and increase every year as the cost of hydro increase and projects to a Return On Investment of 13.3 years. With the ITC This extra saving would reduce the system’s payback period from 9.9 years.

Benefits of Adding Renewable Energy to Your Business

The Investment Tax Credit is just one piece of the puzzle in why adding solar power can be a smart move for businesses in British Columbia. Other benefits include:

  • Environmental Impact: Investing in solar power is not just about making a dollar. It’s a statement for the environment and sustainability. In an era where consumers and businesses alike are increasingly conscious of their carbon footprint, making the switch to solar can improve your brand image and open doors to a new customer base.
  •  Long-Term Stability: Solar power offers stable, predictable pricing compared to fluctuating grid electricity rates. It hedges against future cost increases, providing long-term financial benefits and stability in budgeting and forecasting.
  •  Government Incentives: Beyond the federal ITC, many provincial and municipal governments offer additional incentives, such as grants, loans, or feed-in tariffs. Combining these with the ITC can further enhance the economic argument for solar energy.
  •  Energy Independence: By generating your own power, your business becomes less reliant on the grid and the conditions that affect grid-based energy supply, offering a degree of independence and protection against power outages.
  • Boosted Property Value: A property with a solar energy system can command higher rents and property values. It’s an upgrade that pays for itself and then some in the eyes of many real estate and business experts.

The Bottom Line

The ITC can provide a significant financial push for businesses considering a solar investment, improving the cash flow and making the return on investment more compelling. The combination of environmental stewardship and smart fiscal policy makes this an ideal time for Canadian businesses to look seriously at solar power.

Businesses across Canada should explore the potential of the Investment Tax Credit in detail and make an informed decision about how solar energy integration can benefit both their balance sheet and their broader business strategy. It’s not just an investment in technology; it’s an investment in a sustainable, profitable future.


The ITC represents a critical link in the chain of financial benefits that businesses can reap from investing in solar power. As the renewable energy sector continues to mature, and as more and more companies recognize and act on the economic and environmental value of clean energy solutions, the ITC serves as an important catalyst for growth and innovation.

For British Columbia businesses, the time to act is now. By harnessing the sun’s power, business owners are not just contributing to a greener planet; they’re also securing a more competitive, and cost-effective, future for their companies.

When it comes to solar power, the Investment Tax Credit shines a light on a business opportunity that’s both economically rewarding and ethically sound. It’s a win-win that businesses in BC can’t afford to miss out on.